Octoglass is included in the register of small technology companies of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

Another factor in recognizing technological leadership in the field of electrochromic technologies, in August 2024 the company came under U.S. sanctions, was the inclusion of JSC “Octoglass” in the register of small technology companies. We have been working in the field of electrochromic smart glass since 2017. Over the years of the company’s development, several variants of electrochromic device solutions have settled in our portfolio. But we continue the indomitable development of this direction.

The status of a small technology company (STC) is determined in accordance with the Federal Law of 04.08.2023 № 478-FZ “On the development of technology companies in the Russian Federation”, fixing the basis of the “registry” model of providing state support. The presence of a company in the ITC Register simplistically “opens access” to support measures, without additional collection of documents and confirmations.
